Michael K. Dwyer, CPA
President |
Mike graduated from Montana State University in Bozeman in 1977. He worked
for regional CPA firms in Helena, Sheridan (Wyoming), and Boulder (Colorado)
before returning to Great Falls to establish the firm that is now Dwyer &
Company, CPA, PC in December of 1982. |
Mike has experience working with companies in a wide range of industries,
including agriculture, hospitality, tourism, nonprofit, retail, wholesale,
manufacturing, title insurance, and construction. |
He has prepared individual, partnership, fiduciary, estate, S corporation,
and corporation taxes during his career. |
Mike is experienced with a wide range of computer applications, including
Quickbooks, TimeSlips, and Microsoft Office. He is a Quickbooks
professional advisor. |
Tara Estes
Office Administrator |
Tara joined
Dwyer & Company in 2002. Tara processes and
handles all client payrolls and payroll
taxes. In addition, she performs
preliminary data entry on accounting and tax
engagements. |